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How Cold Water Therapy (CWT) burns fat and calories to aid weight loss

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

In the pursuit of improved health and encouraging fat loss, people are always seeking new ways to support their goals. One way to do this is with cold water therapy, which has been found to have a significant impact on activating brown fat—a potential key to shedding excess weight and boosting your metabolism.

What is Brown Fat?

Brown fat, unlike white fat that stores energy. This means it has the unique ability to burn calories and generate heat through a process called thermogenesis. This has intrigued scientists, as activating and using brown fat could play a vital role in combating obesity and related metabolic disorders.

The Role of Cold Water Therapy

Cold water therapy involves exposing the body to cold temperatures. An easy way to start this is by having a cold shower upon awakening or why not try an ice bath at out headquarters – book here. Recent research suggests that this exposure can stimulate the activation and growth of brown fat, which in turn can aid in weight loss.

Activating Brown Fat

When exposed to cold temperatures, the body triggers the activation of brown fat. This activation leads to the burning of stored white fat and glucose, a process regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. The result is increased heat production and calorie burn through thermogenesis.

Boosting Metabolism

Cold water therapy not only activates brown fat but also enhances overall metabolism. Studies have shown that cold water can significantly increase resting metabolic rate, leading to more efficient calorie burning throughout the day. A higher metabolic rate can contribute to improved weight management and increased energy expenditure.

Improving Insulin Sensitivity

Another benefit of cold water therapy is its potential to enhance insulin sensitivity. Improved insulin sensitivity helps regulate blood sugar levels and can reduce the risk type 2 diabetes and other disorders. Activating brown fat through cold exposure may have a positive impact on insulin sensitivity, further supporting your weight loss.

Potential Weight Loss Benefits

By stimulating brown fat activation and boosting metabolism, cold water therapy presents a promising approach to support weight loss goals. Burning more calories and improving insulin sensitivity can contribute to a healthier body composition and aid in shedding excess weight.

Incorporating Cold Water Therapy into Your Routine

To incorporate cold water therapy into your weight loss routine, turn the temperature of your shower down gradually at the end of your daily shower. This will allow your body to become acclimatized to the colder temperatures. Here at the polar bear club, we encourage you embrace the uncomfortable, so why not challenge yourself and commit to the 30 day Upon Awakening challenge with a 3 minute cold shower every morning for 30 days and share your results with us in our Facebook Group.

Remember to prioritize safety and consider any underlying health conditions.


Cold water therapy offers a unique approach to weight loss by activating brown fat and boosting metabolism. By incorporating this therapy into your routine, you may experience increased calorie burn, improved insulin sensitivity, and ultimately support your weight loss journey. As with any wellness practice, it's essential to listen to your body, start slowly, and seek guidance from a healthcare professional if needed. Embrace the power of cold water therapy and unlock the potential benefits for your weight loss and overall well-being.

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