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PBC Community Interview with CeCe Donn

Welcome, everyone, to the second community interview for the Polar Bear Club! Today, we have Cece with us, who has an inspiring journey to share. Cece, thank you for joining us. Let's dive right in!

Interviewer: Cece, can you tell us how you first got started with cold water therapy?

Cece: Thank you for having me here. My journey into cold water therapy actually began quite unexpectedly. A few years ago, while on a walk, I passed by a Loch that I used to swim in as a child. I had a spontaneous idea to jump in, and a few days later, I did just that. What started as a laugh turned into a daily routine. It wasn't until later that I discovered cold water therapy was an actual practice with numerous mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. I felt drawn to it as a different way to heal and align myself.

Interviewer: That's incredible how a spontaneous decision led you to discover the world of cold water therapy. Can you tell us about the impact it had on you personally, especially considering your experience with breast cancer?

Cece: Certainly. Having been through breast cancer at a young age, I had undergone many operations, and it left me emotionally, physically, and mentally shattered. For over 20 years, I relied on an array of strong medications just to get through the day and sleep at night. Eventually, I began feeling like a plastic version of myself, numb and detached. I didn't recognize who I had become. I experienced low moods, erratic mood swings, and a lot of unexplained anger. I sought help from psychiatric assessments and various therapists, but all I received were more medications. I knew I needed to break free from that cycle.

Joining a few cold water groups became a turning point for me. I met like-minded people who became my family. They provided the strength and courage I needed to wean off my medications. I tried different methods like walking, meditation, cold water therapy, and Reiki, but the key was my commitment to the process. My water family guided me to the Polar Bear club, and being a part of it has taken me on an incredible journey I could never have imagined. From traveling to Poland and taking a dip in a chamber set at -50°C to meeting Valerjan Romanovski and learning in great detail about the effects of ice water on our minds and bodies, it has been truly outstanding.

Interviewer: How has your experience with cold water therapy benefited you, particularly in terms of your mind, body, and soul?

CeCe: I have experienced numerous benefits from my journey with cold water therapy, deepening my understanding of its effects on my mind, body, and soul. Immersing myself in cold water and willingly subjecting my body to temporary stress triggers the release of cortisol, the same chemical that is released in any stressful situation. However, the crucial aspect is that I am in control, and I have learned to manage it through breathwork. Consequently, I have become less susceptible to stress, allowing me to remain calm and take control when faced with challenging situations, rather than reacting negatively.

Moreover, the cold water therapy encourages the production and release of dopamine, commonly known as the "happy hormone." As an individual with ADHD, I naturally have lower levels of dopamine, and the cold water provides me with the much-needed boost. This surge of dopamine enhances my awareness, alertness, and overall sense of well-being, enabling me to navigate my thoughts and mind with greater ease.

The benefits extend beyond the physical and mental realms; they also greatly impact my spiritual practices. Cold water therapy allows me to reconnect with my inner self, fostering a profound sense of introspection and self-awareness. It offers an escape from the digital, bustling world, creating an opportunity for me to immerse myself in nature's embrace. This practice keeps me grounded and instills in me a renewed appreciation and respect for the natural remedies and healing powers bestowed upon us by nature.

It's been a transformative experience for me, offering a holistic approach to improving my mind, body, and soul. It has empowered me to take charge of my mental state, fostered a deeper connection with my spiritual self, and provided an invaluable opportunity to disconnect from the noise of modern life and reconnect with the inherent wisdom of nature.

Interviewer: It's amazing how the Polar Bear club and the cold water therapy community became like an extended family for you. How would you describe the role of the Polar Bear club and its impact on individuals?

Cece: The Polar Bear club, to me, is more than just a community. It's an extended family that connects people from all walks of life, with different personalities, and from various age groups. We come together to support and help each other through difficult times. Everyone offers advice and shares healthy methods to reclaim our inner power. It's a group of individuals who want to change their lives and promote mental and physical well-being. There is no judgment; we breathe together, walk together, talk together, and embrace the cold together. It's a place where change and growth happen through love and support.

Interviewer: That sounds incredibly empowering. If someone is hesitant or unsure about trying out cold water therapy, what advice would you give them?

Cece: To anyone interested in trying out cold water therapy and feeling hesitant, I would say, just do it! You won't regret it. Join the Polar Bear club and go with someone for safety. Remember to focus on your breath, explore breathwork techniques, and remind yourself that it's not a competition. Go at your own pace and listen to your body, not your mind. Our minds tend to resist stepping out of our comfort zones, but the real magic happens when we push beyond those limits. You are in control of your experience. Calm your mind and stay focused. I find that practicing breathwork before getting into the cold water makes it easier for me. Remember to respect the water and nature, and most importantly, have fun and enjoy the experience!

Interviewer: That's wonderful advice for anyone considering cold water therapy. Now, Cece, could you tell us more about the events and activities organided by the Polar Bear club?

Cece: Absolutely! The Polar Bear club holds various events that cater to different needs and interests. Some of these events are massive family gatherings filled with meditation, breathwork sessions, cold dipping, and even food. It's an opportunity to bring your loved ones along and create a memorable experience together.

Additionally, we have weekly dips that take place in the dark on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We gather, chat, and walk up to our beloved "church," which is a waterfall. Before the dip, Kenny, our guide, leads us through a guided breathwork session. While it's not mandatory, I highly recommend it as it helps me ease into the cold water. Then, it's time to get in and have some fun! Sometimes, I prefer a more spiritual approach and meditate in the water, while other times, it's about embracing my inner child and letting loose. There is no judgment—just live, support, and encouragement. We help each other when we face resistance, as it's a common experience for all of us. Various factors, such as sleep, diet, and external stresses, can influence our mindset during the dips.

After the dip, we gather around a fire, enjoy some hot drinks, and, for those of us not camera shy, take selfies to capture the memories we create together. These events are designed to help us understand and embrace our emotions, as the water often symbolizes our emotional state. So, if you find yourself getting emotional in the water, know that it's completely normal. We sit with those emotions and support each other through the process.

Interviewer: It sounds like the Polar Bear club organises a wide range of events that cater to different preferences and needs. It truly creates a supportive and enriching community.

Cece has her own company, Amethyst Soul. Where she provides holistic wellness services, including meditation, Reiki, and more. If you want to learn more about her offerings and join her community, you can find her on Facebook at Amethyst Soul: We welcome everyone who wants to explore their inner power and experience transformative healing to take a look.

Thank you, CeCe, for sharing your inspiring journey. It has been a pleasure speaking with you today.

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