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PBC Community Interview with Jamie McIntosh

Welcome to the Polar Bear Club community interview. Today we have Jamie McIntosh, a member of the club since the beginning of summer 2022.

Interviewer: Jamie, could you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got involved with the club?

Jamie: Hi, I'm Jamie McIntosh, 32, from Glasgow. I met Kenny via another service we engage with, and he told me he was involved in cold water therapy. It caught my interest as I had wanted to try it for a while but wasn't sure exactly where to go and what to do. So Kenny invited me to 'the church' to get involved. It took me a few weeks to get used to it, but with help and guidance from the other members, my confidence grew.

Interviewer: That's great. Can you tell us about your experience with the club and some of the places you've been to?

Jamie: Over the next few months, we had lots of outings in some really special places like Clachan of Campsie, aka the church, Dumfries, and my personal favorite, Loch Winnoch, to name a few. I had great times meeting new people and making connections and friends for life. The water really brought us together.

Interviewer: That sounds amazing. You mentioned that you're in recovery from addiction. How has being a member of the PBC and engaging in cold water therapy complemented your sobriety?

Jamie: Yes, I am 18 months clean and sober from all substances, and getting involved with the PBC and cold water therapy has really complemented my sobriety. I find the water very therapeutic, and I feel it has helped my mental health and physical well-being. I often feel full of energy, and my head is clear after a good dip. I also sleep really well, and I believe the water has a major part to play in this.

Interviewer: That's wonderful to hear. Congratulations on your sobriety. You mentioned that you haven't been able to dip as often as you'd like lately. Could you tell us why that is?

Jamie: The last couple of months, I haven't been able to dip as often as I would like as I have moved into employment, which I didn't have for a long time due to my issues. But I don't think it would have been possible had I not engaged with Kenny and the club, who have supported me massively on my journey. I still get the occasional dip, and it's always a pleasure to see old and new faces.

Interviewer: That's great to hear that the club has been supportive of your journey. Lastly, what would you say to someone who is considering joining the PBC and trying cold water therapy?

Jamie: I would encourage anybody to give the club and water a try. It's a special experience for all involved. You'll meet new people, make friends, and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the water. And who knows, it may complement your journey towards better mental and physical health like it has for me.

The Polar Bear Club is filled with deep admiration and gratitude for Jamie's unwavering commitment to serving his community and young men. With hearts full of respect, we salute Jamie for his selfless dedication, which extends far beyond his involvement in the club and his personal journey with cold water therapy. His tireless efforts to make a positive impact on the lives of those around him are nothing short of remarkable. Jamie is an inspiration and role model to us all, and we cannot thank him enough for the countless lives he has touched. From the bottom of our hearts, we are forever grateful to have Jamie in our lives.

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