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PBC community with Brian Connolly

Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself my name's Brian. I've been doing cold water therapy since October 2022 and came across Polar Bear Club at an event around New Year 2022, but didn't join the club until around March 2023.

I spent 5 years in hospital as a child and due to seizures and I went through multiple EEG's (Electroencephalogram), regular blood tests and a lumbar puncture. I was given my final wish and my Mum and Dad were told I would not get passed my teens and I would likely die due to the nature and frequency of my seizures. While in hospital, I made friends only to have them to die around me.

I somehow got better which the doctors could not explain, so I'm down in my medical records as a 'Textbook Miracle' and when I left school I decided to peruse a career in the Care sector. After everything I had been through as a child, I wanted to give back and help people as much as they had helped me.

During COVID, we lost around 20 people that I cared for and this resulted in a mental breakdown and I now suffer from PTSD. Since joining the Polar Bear Club I have been able to control my emotions and channel my thoughts much better. This has improved my mindset and I have been able to stop taking the medication prescribed by the doctors for PTSD.

The Polar Bear Club has genuinely saved my life. I went from sitting on the edge of a bridge to now looking at life in a different manner. I want to help other people in general but I think I could help and support people struggling with similar issues.

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