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PBC Community with Danny Graham

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Hi everyone I’m Danny. I recently found a new live for the cold and water back in March 2023. Me and a few friends started going for cold water dips at some local spots for enjoyment and seeking out the benefits that comes with the cold water. Little did I know I would eventually end up falling in love with the exposure to the cold water and start a new healing journey and getting to understand my own mind and body like I never had before .

I am in recovery from drug addiction, and for the last 5 years I have been changing myself from the inside out, working on myself, changing behaviors, routine, finding structure and building a new life in recovery where I live an honest humble lifestyle substance free. I attend fellowship meetings where I work s 12 step programme into my life. Through embarking on this journey for the cold water I have gained a lot of knowledge over the last 5 months and it has improved my programme too. My conscious contact with the world around me is at a place I never thought was possible, all due to the cold water exposure and learning along the way. I started going to some of the regular dips with PBC, making new friends and testing my limits with the help of other like minded individuals around me. The sense of community and togetherness was so powerful that straight away I knew I had found something special to part of.

These days I work cold water therapy into my life and routine just as I do my programme of recovery and linking them together is something pretty special . My mind and soul are aligned and I am in control. The polar bear club is the perfect place to start a new journey into seif and s great way to find the water gaining knowledge from experienced members and discovering wonderful places around our country to go for dips such as waterfalls, beautiful lochs, and eventually jumping into an ice tank. I’d would recommend anyone who is curious to change or improve there life or even just to socialize and get into the water to join and come along to a cold water dip, just see for yourself what it can do. I now see the PBC as an extended family, and the cold water as a tool to enhance my wellbeing and state of mind and the jumping of cliffs and waterfalls is a fun added bonus. More recent I have been in the tank at headquarters, pushing my boundaries with the cold at low temperatures which I have found has changed the way my mind works.

I have had Tourette’s and OCD and since I was 12 always struggling with my confidence, managing to live with my tics, feeling worthless and being prisoner to my mind condition. When I enter the cold water my tics disappear and I can release the tension and baggage from within. I don’t have to suppress my tics or think, I can literally focus on my breathing and let it all go. I can be Daniel and not be chained down by the way my body and mind works everyday, I’m free. The polar bear club have opened up a new chapter of life for me and I will now continue to give back to them and other individuals who join us on our journey . The cold is the most natural contact in life it should not be looked upon as bad or scary . We can break that stigma and let it speak for itself with every being who gains from entering the water . It’s a way of life for me now .

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