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Team Interview with Brian Robertson: Embracing the Cold with the Polar Bear Club

Welcome, Polar Bear Club members and cold water enthusiasts! Today, we have a special treat for you—an exclusive interview with Brian Robertson, one of our esteemed admins. Brian has been an integral part of our thriving community, bringing his passion for cold water therapy and his commitment to fostering a supportive environment. Let's dive into his story and gain insights into his transformative journey with the Polar Bear Club.

Interviewer: Hi Brian, thank you for joining us today. Can you share what initially drew you to the Polar Bear Club and cold water therapy?

Brian: Of course! Firstly, I want to acknowledge my long-time friendship with Kenny, the founder of the Polar Bear Club. Witnessing his inspirational journey of recovery from alcoholism and his dedication to supporting others truly moved me. Additionally, personal circumstances, including a tragic incident that left the mother of my children in a vegetative state, pushed me into a dark place mentally. I needed something to help me cope, and cold water therapy became my refuge. The Polar Bear Club and the amazing people I've met along the way have provided me with a safe haven and support network.

Interviewer: That's incredibly powerful, Brian. Can you describe your first experience of dipping into the cold water and what it was like for you?

Brian: Well, to be honest, my first dip was in my bathtub! (laughs) I didn't have much time due to my demanding schedule as a single parent and caregiver. Initially, I despised it. Stepping into 13.5° water, I immediately wanted to step out because my mind convinced me I couldn't bear the pain. But I pushed through that discomfort and stayed in for around 12 minutes. It was a test of mental strength and determination.

Interviewer: Cold water therapy has numerous benefits. How has it impacted your health and overall well-being?

Brian: For me, the greatest benefit of cold water therapy is the ability to disconnect from the world and reset my mind. It's about embracing the numbness and finding solace in the absence of pain. Since starting cold water therapy, I haven't fallen ill, which suggests an improvement in my immune system's resilience. While it may not directly impact my sleep, it certainly helps me find emotional calmness and relaxation.

Interviewer: Being a member of the Polar Bear Club, how has it changed your perspective on the mind-body connection and the power of the mind?

Brian: Initially, I disliked cold water immensely! But now, I can stay in icy water for almost an hour because I understand the power of my mind over my actions. It's not the Polar Bear Club itself that changed my perspective; rather, it's Kenny's emphasis on the power of our thoughts and mindset. I've learned to apply this control to my own life and recognize that I am the one in charge.

Interviewer: What is your favorite aspect of being a member of the Polar Bear Club?

Brian: There are so many incredible aspects, but personally, I derive immense satisfaction from helping others feel at ease with themselves. The ability to support and uplift others has been a source of strength for me as well.

Interviewer: How has being a part of the club influenced your daily routine and habits?

Brian: Establishing a routine is invaluable to me. When I don't take my cold water dip, I notice a dip in my mood. Having a routine gives me a sense of control, which is crucial to maintaining my mental well-being. As an admin of the Polar Bear Club, it's essential that I lead by example and practice what I preach. Even though I face challenges, knowing that there are others who face more difficult situations

Brian's story is a testament to the transformative power of the Polar Bear Club and cold water therapy. His journey from initial reluctance to becoming a dedicated member and admin is an inspiration to us all. We are grateful to have Brian as a valuable part of our community, and his commitment to fostering a supportive environment has made a significant impact on the lives of our members.

If you're curious about cold water therapy or seeking to enhance your overall well-being, we encourage you to take the plunge and join us in the Polar Bear Club. Brian's interview has provided valuable insights into the mental and physical benefits of cold water therapy and how it can positively influence our daily routines and mindset.

Remember, "WHEN IN DOUBT, DO IT ANYWAY... HWG!" Let's fearlessly embrace the cold, support one another, and continue to grow together.

Stay connected, stay adventurous, and keep embracing the power of cold water therapy!


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